The Disciples of Jesus Covenant Community consists of families, single people, priests and religious (The Missionaries of God’s Love (MGL) priests, brothers and sisters began within and are members of the Community) have been called by God to be disciples of Jesus and have committed themselves to each other as brothers and sisters, so that they may effectively serve Him and glorify His Name. The Disciples of Jesus Covenant Community began, in Sydney, in October 1979, and, on 1 September 1994, amalgamated with Hephzibah Covenant Community which began in February 1982 and kept the name DOJCC.
The DOJCC is now in every Australian state and territory as well as Indonesia, PNG and the Philippines. Disciples of Jesus:We take discipleship seriously. We are aware that we are called by Jesus to be one with Him and to imitate Him in all things.
In Baptism, Christians are incorporated into Christ and into the Church which is His Body. In various places throughout the world, members of this one, holy catholic and apostolic Church have expressed their desire to support one another in following Christ and in responding to His call by forming covenant communities. Disciples of Jesus Covenant Community is one such community.
A covenant is a formal commitment to enter into relationship with members of a community and to participate in their lifestyle and mission. At the heart of such a commitment is the desire to grow in holiness and to be involved in apostolic work in service of the Church’s mission.
The Community is a member of the Catholic Fraternity of Charismatic Communities/Fellowships, whose statutes were recognised by the Pontifical Association for the Laity in Rome in 1990. It is also recognised by the local Church as a Private Association of Christ’s Faithful in Canon law.
The genesis of the Blue Mountains Branch goes back to 14 August 1982 when Costandi and Barbara Bastoli felt called to live in the Blue Mountains. Costandi and Barbara with their children, Colette and Paul (the family has since grown by another 3 children), were part of the Disciples of Jesus Covenant Community in Sydney. Both Costandi and Barbara were founding members of the Community.
How the Mountains Branch Began
Three local families and a single sister joined the Bastoli’s. These remained part of the Sydney Community.
Community Gatherings began in 1992 in Springwood. On a three Sundays per month basis we met in the Mountains and on the fourth Sundays we joined the Sydney Community in their Gathering. It was not until 1994 that the Branch commenced as an entity in its own right.
Our Vision
· In the DOJ we believe that God’s vision for his Church is to live in communities like in the book of Acts chapter 2 – committed, loving relationships that stand the test of time, following Jesus together, supporting each other and reaching out to others to share the Good News.
· In Acts 2 we read that with the coming of the Holy Spirit on Pentecost the Community of the church was formed. We are told, “These remained faithful to the teaching of the apostles, to the brotherhood, to the breaking of bread and to the prayers.” (Acts 2:48)
· In the DOJ we enjoy a “back to basics” way of living; a lifestyle based on the earliest Christian community described in the Acts of the Apostles.
· As a church, we are one community, but when it comes to day-to-day living, the community we are a part of is the people we relate to on a daily basis.
We are recognised by the Church as a Catholic Community. We follow the teachings of the Church.
For us community means committed constant relationships. Loving, caring for and serving each other; seeking the best for one another; accepting one another; supporting and praying for each other; spending time with each other in openness and vulnerability.