Healing Of Back Injury
When the scan showed up…He [specialist] was standing there going ,”That’s just not possible… you can’t lose a piece of steel out of your back“
Andrew from Mt Hagen back pain healed by the Lord
Celebration of the 30th Anniversary of The CCR in Mt Hagen, Papua New Guinea. Costandi Bastoli bearing witness to...
Grace: “Instantly my heart just opened and I began crying… His love was pouring into my heart… I was...
Port Morsby 2014: Samara’s Testimony – Inner Healing
After being prayed with Thomson Kunika from Magauto, Papua New Guinea was healed from back pain, knee pain, and...
Costandi Bastoli testifies and bares witness to two of the many healings that the Lord has done in Magauto,...
Kristin, a traditional Catholic, describes her first charismatic experience: she experienced a physical sensation; “I have no doubt that...
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