Pope Benedict XVI
Here is a translation of the address Benedict XVI gave today before praying the midday Regina Caeli at the end of the Mass of Pentecost. The Pope addressed the faithful gathered in St. Peter’s Square.
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Dear Brothers and Sisters!
The solemnity of Pentecost invites us to go back to the origins of the Church, which, as the Second Vatican Council affirmed, “by the outpouring of the Spirit, was made manifest” (“Lumen Gentium,” No. 2). At Pentecost, the Church was manifested one, holy, catholic and apostolic; it was manifested missionary, with the gift of speaking all the languages of the world, as the good news of the love of God is meant for all peoples.
“The Church, which the Spirit guides in the way of all truth and which he unified in communion and in works of ministry, he both equips and directs with hierarchical and charismatic gifts and adorns with his fruits” (ibid. 4).
Among the realities aroused by the Spirit in the Church are the ecclesial movements and communities, with which yesterday I had the joy of meeting in this square, in a great world gathering. The whole Church, as Pope John Paul II liked to say, is only one great movement, animated by the Holy Spirit, a river that goes through history to water it with the grace of God and to make her life fruitful in goodness, beauty, justice and peace.
[Translation by ZENIT]
[The Holy Father then greeted pilgrims in seven languages. In English, he said:]
I am happy to greet all the English-speaking pilgrims and visitors. Today we celebrate the great solemnity of Pentecost, when the risen Lord filled the Church with the gift of his Holy Spirit to bring peace and joy to all mankind. Let us open our hearts to this great gift, so that we may continue to teach the Gospel and do the Lord’s work in today’s world. Upon all of you I invoke God’s blessings and wish you a holy and happy time in Rome!